Friday, March 16, 2012


I originally posted this on under the title "...And Because I'm too Lazy to use my Blog." Now here I am, posting it in my blog just minutes later. XD

So. I'm thinking of making a contest. But it's turning out to be more like a description of how I beta-read. But of course I'm typing it up because it's stealing my attention away from The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage. *sigh* Real Courage is, in turn, taking my attention away from my Watty Award fics, which is, in turn, taking my attention away from Shiro, which is, in turn, taking my attention away from O&GK, which, in turn, is taking my attention away from The Crest of Darkness.

Oh boy.

Not to mention all the other stuff I have to write. *coughclosetoonehundredstoriescough*

I seem to be pathetic when it comes to advertising. It doesn't help when I vanish for a while, I guess. But that shouldn't influence my current advertising. ...Should it? Do people come to my page, notice the last time I updated my most popular story *coughO&GKcough* and turn away? Or maybe it comes right down to my poor advertising.

I should stop beginning sentences with ...with... oh dang what are they called? The FANBOYS, what are they called again? It's been so long since I had to use that word... Anyway. Sentences should not start with those words.

I keep pressing ctrl+s. XP

Conjunctions! *sings*conjunction junction, what's your function?*/sings*


That was me, putting my head to my keyboard.

Maybe I should stop blathering. XD

I love that word. Blathering. I don't even know if it's a real word. lol

I have a bad cough today. *coughcoughcough*

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